Barton Reading & Spelling System
for Dyslexia
The Barton Reading & Spelling System is a teaching method created for students with dyslexia, and is particularly good for students with ongoing spelling difficulties.
Barton is “multisensory.” It uses all the senses to help children make connections between sounds and words. The system encourages one-on-one teaching for best results, which is why the maximum number of students working with one instructor is three.
Most of the time is spent on spelling, but it also goes beyond reading basics. Barton aims to take the guesswork out of reading and spelling. It does this by having students memorize rules and practice using them with real and nonsense words.
What can you expect?
The program will require your child to have at least two 50-minute sessions a week, for three to four years.
Results shown in different studies
Gains of phonological awareness and improvements in word level reading on both a nonword decoding assessment and a context free, grade level word list assessment.
Gains in rapid naming
Improvements in attitudes about reading,
Reading fluency and comprehension, students increased their score by 61.9 percentile points in just 3 months.
Outstanding growth – far more growth than students without dyslexia typically make – no matter which reading test was used.
Overall academic reading level gain: 2.39 years of academic reading growth in 82 hours of intervention
See Barton Reading & Spelling System website for more detailed information.